Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Happy Thrifting and Junking Everyone

Happy Thrifting and Junking Everyone, and Welcome to Thrift Store Junkies Page. Always happy to see you, and have you drop by. Sorry, I have not quite completed my list of goals for the beginning of the year. My main issue was to find a schedule that works for me to do my blogging with, research topics for my main blog page, and get a schedule going that I can accomplish these things in a timely fashion. I know with spring, and summer time it is a bit harder to keep with it due to we have to go Thrifting!! But, I already have a solution to that, and it is in the workings:)

We haven't really had snow here, way different winter, and I am not complaining. Generally during the winter is when I myself slow down on thrifting a little bit because of the weather. This year the reason has been due to house remodeling being done....never know when contractors will be here to work. And, another reason for me has been to remove some of my inventory, and if not removing pieces trying to repurpose some of them into something useful for the homes that I can offer to you. 

Right now I have dried glue on my finger tips. Trying to glue some lace to some of these adorable little saucer plates. Such a yummy blue, and pink, and I happen to have a blue lace that blends really well with the blue in the rim of these saucers. Just takes time as you have to hold the lace in place for a bit for it to actually take, or want to stick and hold. I was happy to find some lace with my inventory....since everything is everywhere in the house with making room for work being done. Now, if I could only find them darling little blue tied ribbons I know I have I would really be set. Hmmm...have some ideas, and will have to get to the containers to open them, and investigate. 

I have a black cloche stand I have been working on. The mod podge sealer got kind of heavy on it, and make a few bubbles that I am not happy with. So, in order to cover some of that a bit, but still make the stand look good I have been working with some music paper, and then found a white ribbon I think will work with it too. I also have a white base glass cloche that is drying with some music paper in the center of it, and this afternoon will spray a light coat of mod podge sealer on it, and I think call that one done too. I am getting anxious for some of these pieces to be completed, and to get them listed for others to see, and purchase too. I will show some pics when I get to this point for ya'll.

Well, I suppose, I have taken a long enough break, and I can peel the glue from my finger tips now...LOL:). So, that means back to work on things. Hope ya'll are having a sweet day, and a Happy Hump Day to all! Thanks for visiting with Thrift Store Junkies Page. Take care, and see ya'll again soon. Toodles.....

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